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Cinema History: Living on Love

Updated: Feb 19, 2022

*I do not own any images in this post, all credits are linked below*

You’re having a terrible day. You can’t seem to find a steady job, and your rent is due, but you can’t pay it. You beg and plead with your landlord, and he gives you a second chance, he cares about you, and has known you all your life. The only situation he can offer is to share a room with someone else, but it’s not your typical roommate scenario. The other tenant only uses the room during the day, so you are free to use it during the night. Your landlord promises that the two of you will never cross paths, argue over who gets the room when or cause any drama. You reluctantly agree and begin moving your things in. Things seem to look up from here on out, and you land a job in sales. Everything is moving smoothly now. You go to a diner after a long day’s work and you meet someone. This person charms you instantly, and the two of you go on a couple of dates. Meanwhile, back at the apartment, your roommate is giving you serious trouble. The room is in a constant state of disarray and it really gets under your skin. Complaining to the landlord won’t help causes, so naturally, your instinct is to prank the person. But once you pull one, your roommate pulls another on you. This goes on for a while and consistently annoys you. You complain about this awful situation to your new lover, hoping for some advice, but little is given. Eventually, you begin to see that something about your lover and your roommate doesn’t add up. You grow increasingly suspicious, is there an affair? Your roommate seems to be in a bind too, as you are continually bombarded by the tenant’s lover. How much longer are you willing to live in the dark? How much longer can you stand to put up with this terrible tenant?

Living on Love is a seriously underrated classic romantic comedy. This 1937 film was directed by Lew Landers and stars Whitney Bourne and James Dunn. I say underrated because the actors are not well known at all, yet that doesn't take away from their ability to perform. The storyline is nothing short of charming and displays the director's creativity very well.

James Dunn as Gary Martin is a great comic relief for the film. He plays his part well as the aspiring artist who works as a night trucker. He gives the story the romance it needs, as well as the laughs. Whitney Bourne does incredible as Mary Wilson, a struggling young woman who is trying to get by in life. The two actors complement each other very well on screen and off. Their clashing personalities really make the movie and bring the comedy that it needs.

Mary and Gary have no idea that they are roommates which adds a hilarious spin to an otherwise mundane romance. They fall in love without knowing that they share a room, and consequently can't stand each other as roommates. When the jokes they play get a little hurtful, they realise who they are and that they cannot live apart.

Living on Love is a classic go-to for an innocently sweet romantic comedy. The pranks, the dates, the tricks, and the love are all great themes for a successful film, and this film has it. If you've seen this film, leave a comment down below, tell me what you think of it! If not, I encourage you to check it out, it may be hard to find, but if you can, don't let it go.

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2 תגובות

14 בפבר׳ 2022

Love this movie! Very well worth the effort to find.

14 בפבר׳ 2022
בתשובה לפוסט של

Glad to hear you like it so much! It's a rare find, but such a gem!

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