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New Year's Resolutions: Grow Your Faith

Writer's picture: rebekah rebekah

Updated: Feb 16, 2022

Hello everybody! As many of us ring in the new year, we always tend to set resolutions - things we want to do differently than we have in the past. But they don’t last very long, do they? Many of us make an entire long list of New Year’s resolutions and we say to ourselves, I’m really going to stick to it this time, this year I’ll really change. What determination! Unfortunately, by the end of January, we haven’t been too successful with sticking to it. I want to put forth a challenge though and give encouragement.

This year, I encourage you all to write a list, or even make a mental one, and do the best you can to keep it up. The first thing on the list should be the area you know you need or want to improve spiritually, if it’s a sin you’re struggling with, or if you’re finding it difficult to read the Bible, pray, or worship God. Put that first.

Second, write down a plan for reading your Bible. If you want to read through a book I highly recommend starting with that! But really take time to read it, schedule 30 minutes to spend just immersing yourself in the Word. Grab a notebook and take notes, take some highlighter pens and create a colour code for reading through the book.

Thirdly, make time to pray. The relationship we have with God is unique. It is not one-sided. You can’t choose one day to ignore the only Person who gave up His only Son for you! Think of it this way: if you really love someone, what do you do to keep up or maintain your relationship? Communicate! Talk to God! I hear of so many people who constantly complain about not hearing God, not feeling His guidance, or feeling separated from Him. Stop blaming God! You can’t expect Him to answer a need if you don’t ask. You’ve got to take time and talk to Him! Tell Him about your day, thank Him for another day to live, even if it’s difficult. Ask Him for help, guidance, and comfort. Schedule 5 minutes to start with. Yes, sometimes it’s awkward, and yes, sometimes remaining silent is uncomfortable, but just spend time in His presence. Jesus gives us guidance for praying, and it’s found in Matthew 6: 9-13. “Pray, then, in this way: ‘Our Father, who is in heaven, Hallowed be Your name. Your kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we have forgiven our debtors [letting go of both the wrong and the resentment]. And do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from evil. [For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen]’” AMP.

Here’s a sample list for you to base your New Year’s resolutions on.

Read the entire gospel of John.*
Pray for 5 minutes daily, then bump it up to 10, then more and more every day.
Ask family and friends how you can pray for them every week.
Don’t be afraid to ask for prayer.
Listen to sermons in the car.
Read books by authors like John Piper, C.S. Lewis, or J.I. Packer.
Find someone to be an accountability partner, someone to pray with you, help you through a sin struggle, and who will keep you accountable for your goals.
Listen to good worship music/ hymns. Unfortunately, these days you must be careful with what you listen to, even in Christian music. Sticking to hymns or a trustable group is the best way to go.

Here’s an outline for reading through a book of the Bible.
Read one chapter per day.
Create a colour code to help you study. (Example below).
Make notes of things that stick out to you in each chapter.
Optional: Find a reliable Bible Commentary to help guide you through what you read. I recommend Matthew Henry for starters.

Colour Code for reading your Bible
Purple: God’s Nature
Pink: God’s Promises/ Prophecies
Blue: Christ-likeness/ Christian Living
Green: Something to Meditate on
Yellow: Something that really sticks out to you personally
Orange: Sin Nature/ Warnings

I hope this post encourages everybody to really stick with some New Year’s resolutions to help you in your spiritual walk. Admit to yourself that it is hard at first and you will find that you don’t become overwhelmed.

Stick to it friends and see how much you grow!

“So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.” - 1 Corinthians 10:31

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Unknown member
Dec 28, 2021

So encouraging. We all need to spend more time in prayer and in the scripture. This is a wonderful New Years resolution.

Feb 13, 2022
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Thank you! I hope everyone who reads this was encouraged to dive deeper into the Bible! 😊


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